Immigration Expenses – What to Expect

Some expenses like government fees cannot be avoided. Other expenses such as travel and accommodations can be minimized.
Below is a summary of the costs associated with an immigration petition.
USCIS Filing Fee


This government fee is mandatory and cannot be avoided. It is paid directly to the USCIS.

Medical Exam

$100 to $500

This cost varies so much because the Embassy assigns the medical facility where you must do the medical exam. It is paid directly to the facility.

Embassy Fee


The embassy fee is paid around the time you schedule your in-person interview. It is paid directly to the embassy.

Photos and Fingerprints

$50 to $200

It depends on where you go and what level of service you need. Our service offers several recommendations based on your unique situation – for consideration.

Travel Expenses


Depending on where you are flying from and what type of accommodations you need, this expense varies greatly.

Immigration Attorney

Exclusive Rates

We understand that cost is a big factor in who you use. We have carefully screened and negotiated preferred rates available only to Pacific Immigration Consultants.


Our network of attorneys work with Pacific Immigration Consultants through an exclusive agreement that extends a low price and premium service to our clients.